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First Newsletter!
Councilor’s Message
Councilor’s Ramblings
Councilor’s Corner
This is the first issue of the first volume of the Triangle Chapter Newsletter. Hopefully, it won’t be the last. That depends on two things. First, it takes something to write about. Second, it takes somebody to write it. And, I know I’ll keep writing as long as there is something to write about. Personally, I think as long as this Chapter is going strong, we’ll never run out of things to write about. We’ve been extremely busy and we plan to stay that way. Triangle Chapter is growing and changing. True, we’ve had our growing pains, but overall it has been for the better. Things like this Newsletter, our upcoming webpage, and our full calendar of events will boost us as a chapter. We have a lot of things going on this term, including some upcoming fund-raisers. Together, we will strive to live up to our name, as “The Chapter of Action.”
When I took on the daunting task of starting a Newsletter for Triangle
Chapter, I had no idea what I was getting into. It kinda reminded
me of when I took on the task of being the Master Councilor. Well,
I have tackled each job with fervor, and will continue to do likewise with
each new thing I come to during my term.I am very excited about the term,
ongoing and upcoming.
I have a great bunch of guys to work with, and together I think we
can accomplish much. Things like this publication that is in your
hands, will continue to make this chapter strong. I have confidence
in this bunch of guys that I am lucky enough to lead.
Your Master Councilor,
Gardner Landon
Hey guys! Wow! You managed to inaugurate your very first
newsletter! Isn’t it great?! I hope this experience will help
the chapter become better informed. I will have many fun, and hopefully
inspirational, articles in the future, but for this one I’ll just tell
you a little about myself. I’m seventeen and am a Senior at Escalon
High School (which you probably already know). I am either Valedictorian
or Salutatorian of the Class of ‘98. Besides DeMolay, (which has
become my passion), I’m busy with Colorguard, Rainbow, Academic Decathlon
and Drama. I guess you could say I’m a “nerd,” but I like it!!!
I love to perform and I take every chance I get to “ham it up.” Don’t
be surprised if you find me singing, dancing, acting or twirling my flag
in my spare time. I love an audience.
As far as my Rainbow life goes, I was initiated on March 12, 1992,
almost six years ago, at age eleven. I had NO idea what Rainbow was
and I felt weird going through the ritual. After I held my first
office I truly learned the beauty of the ritual and understood our seven
lessons, which are similar to yours. I got my Proficiency (kind of
like your Obligations plus your L.C.C.), and was elected to the line only
two terms after I was initiated. Since then, I have served as Worthy
Advisor twice. I have truly gotten more out of Rainbow than I ever
dreamed possible. I would not nearly be the same person I am today
without it. DeMolay can have the same effect upon you. The
more you put into it, the more you will get out of it, and you will find
the rewards to be priceless. You guys have the potential to do anything
and I realize that every time I look around the Chapter room!
At the first meeting, I stated my goals. One, I have already
accomplished; did you guys like the arm bands at Convention? It was
so exciting to see all of you wearing them and showing your Center Spirit
at the Banquet. You have helped to prove how unified a division can
be and I encourage you to go to as many events as you can, in the division,
and beyond.
I’m on my way to my second goal. As you saw last meeting, I have
gotten my first L.C.C. and I am anxiously awaiting my second. I’m
aiming for the Lamp of Knowledge and I hope you will too. It’s my
goal to get everyone in the Chapter their first L.C.C. by the end of the
term. Yes, even you new guys!!! I know it’s all fast and confusing
right now, but what better way to figure things out than by reading the
Resource Guide! I have never seen anything for any organization so
clearly laid out in
plain English!! It is all right in front of you!! Some of you have
them partly finished, haven’t gotten around to mailing it, don’t have the
postage yet; excuses, excuses :-) I’ll GIVE you the postage if you mail
them off!! I would also like to thank all those DeMolay who have supported
my Assembly: Escalon # 63. Your attendance at our meetings and functions
have given them a little spice and color that makes our activities more
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you this term.
I’m sure it will be filled with a lot of fun and memories and I hope that
I can do a lot to benefit the Chapter. I love you all very much and
I’m behind you 100%!!
In Love and Service,
Heidi Okamoto, Sweetheart
Senior Councilor’s Ramblings or Wacky Word’s of Wisdom From The West
Here we are at the beginning of a new term (well, sorta) and to start
it all off, here’s our first newsletter. We’re starting off on a
good foot this term. Visitations are up, and we’re getting enthusiasm from
our chapter about going out and about, and making ourselves known.
On the subject of making ourselves known, the Master Councilor and I have
gotten permission from our Advisory Council to start up a web page, to
get some info about us to other chapters in the world. In the long
run, though, this
task may drive us virtually insane (or a little bit more over the edge),
because for some reason, we can never seem to find the time to do things,
like, oh say, write an article or design a few web pages, at a reasonable
hour, instead of 1:30 in the morning, like we usually end up doing.
But, then again, we ARE running on DeMolay time!!
Oh well, and now for something completely different. What’s that you
say? Convention has already come and gone? Well, Triangle chapter
had a lot of fun, we brought 9 guys up, and at the end of Convention we
had a total of 11 members to bring home! Of Course, we initiated 2 members
at Convention, and almost our entire chapter was there to watch.
It was a lot of fun, and a lot of good friends and good memories were made!
Senior Councilor,
Brian Evans
As you all know, this term has been, so far, a very fun, productive, and lucrative term, largely due to our new Master Councilor, Gardner Landon. That is not to leave out, however, a lot of due credit. Many people deserve much credit and thanks, including the Parent’s Club, Sweetheart and Senior Miss, and our Corps of Officers. I would also like to give credit for our successes to the Advisory Council. We should all welcome the new addition to the “bunch,” Dad Cowen. Gardner’s Term was, and will continue to be, a glorious example to our future leaders.
Junior Councilor,
Joey Kendall
Christmas, a time for giving, a time for sharing, and for the Rainbow girls of Escalon Assembly, a time to come together and go around town to sing Christmas Carols, and afterwards, have some food and hot drinks together in the spirit of Christmas. This year, Triangle chapter was lucky enough to be invited to go along and enjoy the festivities. A good time was had by all, Carols were sung, the girls had a small gift exchange among themselves, and the guys were able to get together on yet another activity and have fun.. We’d like to thank the Rainbow Girls and their Advisors for inviting us to come along and two of our very own advisors, Dad Cowen and Dad Cheeseman, for Bringing us to join the festivities. So, a merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Brian Evans
On November 25th, Brothers Kevin Cheeseman, Brian Evans, Gardner Landon, Joe Kendall, and Dad Jackson went to Manteca Chapter to claim the Traveling gavel, and bring it back once more to Triangle. Manteca did not want to give it up, but in the end, we triumphed. On the 10th of December, these same 4 boys were on the road again, but this time Dad Cheeseman took them to Stockton Chapter for a Visitation, where we met many nice guys and brothers. The traveling didn’t stop there, however. On December 21, Dad Jackson took Brothers Evans, Landon and Cheeseman to State Center Chapter to help with an initiation. All three guys took parts in the degree (only the initiatory was done), Gardner as Marshall, Brian as Chaplain, and Kevin as Standard Bearer. We all had fun on our visitations, and hope to go many more places in the future!
Kevin Cheeseman
This term there is not much going on sportswise. However, Triangle Chapter is going to bowl for the Postal Bowling Tournament in January. Besides that, there is a lot of sports going on next term. There will be Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball Tournaments put on by Nor-Cal, and hopefully, a Soccer Tournament, which we are all planning on playing in. So, everyone had better start practicing. We’ll all have fun and don’t feel bad if we beat you too badly.
The Triangle Sports Source,
Byron Landon
In the past we’ve had a lot of fund-raisers, though not all of them have made money. This year, so far, we’ve made a great start with our pancake breakfast in November. We made almost $300, and fed a lot of hungry people! Now, we’re preparing for our next fund-raiser, which will be a Lasagna Dinner on January 23. Tickets are on sale for $9 and $7 for children. We’re also selling placemat ads as a connected , to use at the dinner. So, we’ll see you all there!
J.J. Farver
The 1997 Convention was great. It started off with the Gold Rush
Girls. This event was only the beginning. After going back to our
rooms and freshening up, we went on to our divisional spirit rallies.
We learned cheers and discussed voting for our Nor-Cal Sweetheart.
After the spirit rallies, we then went back to our rooms and rested. That
evening, we dressed formally and went to the Masonic Unity banquet.
There, we ate a wonderful dinner and Chapter awards were given. After
2 hours we then went back to the rooms to change into casual clothes, to
go to Country Club lanes. We played Laser Tag, bowled, and danced.
It was a blast! When we got back we had the choice of going to all
night movies, or stay in our hotel rooms. Of course, we ALL went
to bed.... Yeah Right!!
The next morning, the first event was the DeMolay cares project where
we made Bath packages, Stockings, and Teddy Bears. We each then got
5 dollars to go get food at the mall. After we got back to the rooms,
we changed in Business dress, and went to the Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees
where our wonderful new members Kyle Watkins and Ernest Koch received their
degrees. The ceremony was done very well. After this we had
the sweetheart elections. Our new Nor-Cal Sweetheart is Jaimie McCombe.
We then elected our divisional officers afterward. After that, there
was another big formal Banquet with Chapter Awards, and a huge dance following
that. We had lots of fun. The next morning, we had the Installation
of Nor-Cal officers and divisional officers. This was a very emotional
event. Jannick Catalano was installed as Master Councilor, Scott
Peters as Senior Councilor, and Wes Martin as Junior Councilor. The
Divisional Officers for Center Division are Brothers Shaun Roso as Master
Councilor, Roy Grizzle as Senior Councilor, and Triangle’s own Gardner
Landon as Junior Councilor. The Honor Court was also selected, which
includes 2, originally Sweethearts from Center Division, Christine Heffelfinger
from Manteca Chapter, and Heather Harbin, from State Center Chapter.
Afterward we went back to our rooms, packed up, and headed home after a
great weekend at the NCDA convention!!
Parker Landon and Kyle Watkins
Top Ten Things Overheard at Convention ‘97
10. “Is that the Jurisdictional Traveling Gavel in your pocket,
or are you just happy to see me?”
9. “Plaid!”
8. “What do you mean DeMolays can’t run for Honor Court?!”
7. “These Jurisdictional Jewels are heavy!”
6. Jannick whistling “I just can’t wait to be king”
5. “Go, Center!!”
4. (while bowling) “Fore!!”
3. “Hey, nice armbands!” (THANK YOU, HEIDI and SABRINA)
2. “Wait, Don’t Go.... I have a gift for you”
1. Did somebody say: “GOLD RUSH GIRLS!”
Congratulations to two new members, brothers Ernest Koch & Kyle Watkins. Ernest is 17, and a Senior at Escalon High School. Kyle is 13, and in the 8th grade at Big Valley Christian School. A warm welcome to the new brothers and I hope you find a lot of fun and brotherhood here at Triangle!
Gardner Landon
Contributing Writers
Brian Evans
Joey Kendall
Parker Landon
Kevin Cheeseman
JJ Farver
Byron Landon
Kyle Watkins
Heidi Okamoto