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Going Strong!
Councilor’s Message
Councilor’s Ramblings
Miss Says
Councilor’s Corner
Touch of Green
Little on The Lighter Side
Well, after surviving the inaugural issue of the Newsletter, we managed to follow up with another. A lot of people have put a lot of work into this thing, and, I hope, will continue to do so. January has had several fun events and as we go into February, we will continue our path of progress, Our Chapter is truly beginning to make a name for itself, and with a little work and a lot of luck, we will go far.
Writing one Newsletter is one thing. Writing two is another thing.
Continuing to write them for an indefinite length of time, to report every
month on the fun and exciting things our Chapter is up to: that’s an adventure
in itself! This entire term has been full of adventures for me, and
memorable experience that will stay with me for a long time. I can’t
believe that my term as Master
Councilor is half over already! It has been momentous up to this
point, and I believe it will continue to be, carrying the great tradition
of this Chapter to the next term and beyond. In January, I think
I got a little closer to the guys, with a Trip to the East-West Shrine
Game, a Sleepover at the Lodge,and a workday to clean up the temple.
With the New Year beginning, I feel the inertia of my term finding new
steam, as well. We have started a new chapter in our Chapter, and
I believe 1998 will see Triangle Chapter emerging as a well-known, popular,
and of course, dominant force in Northern California. I wish us all
best of Luck!
Your Master Councilor,
Gardner Landon
Hey guys, I’ll give you a tip. Ask any girl what she equates with
February and she’ll most likely say, “Love!” That’s right, Valentine’s
Day is fast approaching and I’m sure all you guys are thinking... “What’s
all the fuss?” Not to mention the expense, you’re probably thinking
about all the candy, flowers, and gifts you have to give to your Valentine....
right?? Or probably most of you are trying to dodge the holiday altogether.
Well, I will TELL you what all the fuss is about. It’s not about
the material items, or atleast it shouldn’t be. I know that a lot
of guys try to outdo each other by bragging about how much they spoiled
their girlfriends, and a lot of girls try to brag about how romantic their
guys are. They are all missing the point! It’s about showing
that you care for someone else!
Now don’t get me wrong, you can still spoil your special someone, but
try something different. How about doing something for mom?
She gives you Valentine’s Day all year... couldn’t you return the favor?
You could do something as simple as making her breakfast, make a simple
handmade card or give her a flower that she will keep forever.
There are many people that are forgotten on the most loving day of
the year. I’m sure you all know someone that is a little left out
and it would make them feel good if you gave them a smile and said “Happy
Valentine’s Day.” There are always people you can lend a helping
hand to and it doesn’t require a sappy “I love you” or any verbal words
at all. You will find that through serving others you will find a
very special kind of love.
In Love and Service,
Heidi Okamoto, Sweetheart
Senior Councilor’s Ramblings or Wacky Words of Wisdom From The West
What? You say that it is time for the next newsletter to be sent out?
Well then, I guess that I had better get down to writing my article, hadn’t
I? It's been a good month for me so far, I’ve been to a lot of installations
and functions for the Order and our sister Orders. I have found that
time is relative to the perceptions of the viewer. Weekends can seem
to be too short and fly by in the wink of the proverbial eye, or they can
be long, drawnout, lengthy affairs. Case in point, the weekend of
the 23 through the 25 of Jan. Have seemed like the longest days of
my life, an eternity compared to the weekend before, which seemed to fly
by with the speed of dark. This weekend has been weird, I have driven from
my home town of Escalon, to the city of Riverbank for our Lasagna Dinner
and a sleepover for our chapter at the Lodge, in preparation for our Lodge
clean-up day the following morning. Then it was off to the wonderful
town of Lodi for the Degrees Team tryouts for myself and the Master Councilor
of Triangle Chapter, Gardner Landon. After that, it was a quick jaunt
back to Escalon for our school play in which
Gardner, Heidi (our chapter sweetheart) and I have parts. Once
again, it was a quick change at home and then off to Tracy for the Installation
of the Rainbow Girls Assembly located there. That was just Friday
and Saturday; somewhere during Saturday night my mother scared me half
to death by asking what I was doing tomorrow. "Tomorrow?!" I asked
her, and she proceeded to tell me that tomorrow was not in fact Monday,
and I would not be able to go to school so that I could get some sleep
the day, oh no, tomorrow was Sunday, another day that I had something
going that I had to attend. That's OK, it was not a bad thing, it was in
fact Elizabeth Cowin's reception, and it turned out to be a highly populated
affair, for being the same date as one of the most highly anticipated television
events of the year, and in my mind one of the most highly overrated events
of he year, oh well... Somewhere in there I also pulled something in my
thigh, so I spent most of the weekend limping around, and because of the
fact that I slept on a couch at the sleepover, I had massive back pains;
like I said, oh well. I made it through the weekend without too much fuss,
lost all track of time only once, and was able to do all of this on as
little sleep as possible, as well as uncomfortably as possible. So, for
those of you who were at any of the events mentioned above, and who saw
some guy limping around, or trying to stand in one place for as long as
possible, so as to hurt himself as little as possible, then chances are
it was me. And if you didn’t come up and say hi, and try to make
some small talk, then think about all the interesting places that you missed
hearing about, and for heaven's sake, next time you do see me, come up
and talk to me. You never know what story you'll hear, because so far,
my weekends have been getting weirder and weirder...
Phrase of the month:
Sanity is calming, but insanity is much more interesting.
Senior Councilor,
Brian Evans
Greetings DeMolay!
Wow, you’ve really been busy lately! Several new initiates, some really cool service projects, a Lasagna Dinner! I feel very privileged to be a part of it all. But, you will have to bear with me for a bit. As you all know, I’ve spent the better part of January working on my Installation. With a bazillion invitations, term planning, carry-ins, wristlets, pin-ons, boutonnières, planning committees for decorations and food, not to mention my dress! (which still hasn’t even been cut out) I’ve hardly had time to breath. Then I missed 1 January meeting because of the flu and the other because of school. But, I can promise it will all get better. In the mean time, I’d like you all to plan on attending the “Sweetheart Quiche Breakfast,” on the morning of February 14th at the Escalon Masonic Temple. I’m counting on all of you to be there!
In Rainbow Love and Service,
Sabrina Landon, Senior Miss
How about them Gold Rush Girls!! I know, I know, it’s getting old, but they just keep coming back. I mean, twice in under a 3 month period is pretty good for someone who thinks the Forty-Niners are the worst thing to hit society since the holocaust. [editor’s note: Junior Councilor has absolutely no taste whatsoever in football teams, even if he can appreciate quality cheerleaders.] You hardly forget those girls before they are back in your face and twice as fine. I think that that is all I have to say. So, I’ll say so long.
Plaid is out and GOLD is in.
Center has Beefcake!!
Your South-Park-Oriented Junior Councilor,
Joe Kendall
Hey there! It's your favorite Past Sweetheart. I know you
guys have all seen me around but I doubt if many of you know very much
about me. So I thought I would fill you in. I'm eighteen and
am a Freshmen at California State University, Stanislaus, majoring in Psychology.
Eventually, I want to be a Social Worker. Besides my involvement
in DeMolay, I am very active in Rainbow and I work at the Child Development
Center on campus. As you all know, I am always up to something and
I am always ready to have a good time.
As for my Rainbow life, I was initiated on December 10, 1992 and had
no idea what I was getting myself into. Little did I know then that
I would become as involved as I am. I was elected into the line only
two terms after I was initiated and followed Heidi up the line. Since
then, I have served as Worthy Advisor twice and I jumped in the line and
will be serving a third term in the summer. I earned my Proficiency
and have received various other awards over the past five years.
Rainbow has given me more then I could ever imagine. The lessons
of Rainbow truly are what it takes to be the kind of person I have become
and still want to be.
Rainbow teaches you so many things that you could not get anywhere
else. One of the many things I have learned through my experiences
is to NEVER give up. Sometimes it seems hopeless and that there is
not a light at the end of the tunnel. But believe me, there is.
You are going to have dreams and there will be some people along the way
that are going to discourage you and try to steer you away form your dreams.
And then there are going to be those who are going to believe in you and
encourage you and support you. Those are the people you need to stick
with. Those are the people who are going to help you climb over the
walls that stand in you way, pick you up when you are feeling down, offer
a shoulder to cry on, an open heart and mind to listen and a helping hand.
But no matter what happens, they will be there. Those people are
called friends. They become your sisters and/or brothers. They
are the ones who are going to believe in you and give youthat extra push
when you need it.
Now, I want you all to do me a favor. DON'T EVER GIVE UP.
Build each other up, don't break each other down. Support your brothers
in whatever they do. Dreams are what keep us going and reaching for
our goals. I know each of you have a dream. Maybe you have
not told anyone, maybe you have. Either way, no matter what happens
along the way, please don't give up.
Now that I have hit you with the serious stuff, I would like to thank
you for all of your love and support to myself as well as my assembly.
You guys add that little bit of spice that we need to keep us on our toes.
Remember to keep your chin up, a smile on your face, a skip in your step
and always wish on a star.
Rainbow Love,
Tiffany Jepson,
Past Triangle Sweetheart and P.W.A. II1/2
Let's step outside of our busy lives for a minute and make a little more room for ourselves. For those of you with a lot on your mind or shoulders, you know what I mean. Do you get the feeling that there isn't enough time in the day? I know I do. Ever since I joined DeMolay about a month ago, I've had absolutely no time, not like I had that much of it before I joined. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, I think DeMolay is one of the wiser decisions I've made in my lifetime. I think we all need to get away from our daily lives, and I've found that DeMolay lets me do so. I mean really, what could be better than getting together with a bunch of the guys and having fun. Fun, a word everyone uses quite often, but have you ever thought about it. What is fun? This definition changes from person to person. But I know when I think of DeMolay I think of fun. Think about it, overnight parties, games, dances, sports. Whatever you and your brothers choose to do it's all for fun. So step outside yourself and think about how much DeMolay has done for you. It makes life just a bit more enjoyable. So next time you feel frustrated or burdened down call up a fellow member a plan a get together. And always, and I do mean always, have FUN.
Chris Carney
Congratulations to our newest member, brother Chirs Carney. Chris is 17, and a Senior at Escalon High School. He has come into the chapter only recently over New Years, and already has done his Initiatory Degree Obligations. He is enthusiastic and willing to work. Good Luck to Chris in the chapter and all his future undertakings.
Gardner Landon
Contributing Writers
Brian Evans
Joe Kendall
Heidi Okamoto
Sabrina Landon
Tiffany Jepson
Chris Carney